Saturday, January 30, 2010

so, i'm kinda new at this

well, hi.
this is always the part of new things that i hate. sometimes beginnings aren't my favorite. i guess i should start with some "about me" before posting, but honestly i don't think a 4-sentence paragraph will help you to get to know me. so, i am going to just start. and hopefully soon you'll get a sense for what i'm all about.

here's a poem i wrote in bed this morning :

i have been endlessly dreaming --
for a couple of days now.
wrapped up in thoughts and feelings

mindlessly wandering through
the rooms and closets
of my innermost.

i search.
i ponder.
what do all these little pieces mean? i ask myself
will they ever fit together?
i don't know.

every once and awhile
i stumble into a whimsical closet --
one filled to the brim
with ephipany, and wonder, and discovery.
rarely do i find closets like these.
rarely do i find definite answers.

but until i do,
i keep searching
-- and pondering
sorting through the colors and sounds ..