Tuesday, June 15, 2010

0.o < this is my face

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Einstein.

i have always thought of myself as a dreamer or free thinker of sorts. my mind is always coming up with big ideas. i'm always fantasizing my next project or goal, with as much passion and zeal as the biggest dreamers around. there is one problem. i cannot finish things. let me paint you a little picture..... no matter how much i LOVE a book, i cannot for the life of me finish it. even if i am up into the wee hours of the night devouring each page... i still seem to always put it aside and never read the ending chapters. or, even if i am so excited about a hobby, i cannot stay motivated. i have always had a passion for running and sewing, but just cannot seem to stay consistent. for you those of you that know me, this hindrance can be extremely frustrating. because with a mind full of colors, sounds, ideas, inventions, and creativity -- not being able to carry these things out is just awful.

even when i decided to start this little blogging experiment, i got scared because i know that most likely i won't follow through with it. but don't worry, i am going to do it! like i said the other day, i have this spark of determination to finish a task, and my eyes are on the finish line.

i love what Einstein said. it really has nothing to do with this post i just had to add it in here

oh ! but let me tell you what i've done today and yesterday.
yesterday: i watched Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. Let me tell you, it was phenomenal!! i looooooved the color and imagery. i loved Johnny Depp. i loved the little details such as the scratched up floors, and pretty little lace dresses for Alice. i am beginning to admire Mr. Burton, because he understands what Einstein is saying. He understands that his imagination, and the creator and dreamer in his head can speak great depths. his ideas convey messages to people in ways not many other directors can. by all means, i am not saying that knowledge is obsolete. i am just saying if you are trying to speak to the hearts of people, you must innovate the personal side of you to them. mark your personalized stamp on life. its fresh, its new, and it's like no one elses.
am i rambling yet ? (;
today: i painted. not my best, but enjoyable none the less. but the best part of the day was probably was getting some unexpected phone calls and texts ! the first surprise was text all the way from AFRICA !!!! my friend is there for a mission trip. it definitely put a smile on my face to know someone was thinking of me halfway across the world. then, like things couldn't get any better, my lovely friend Katherine called me !! she is precious. it was just nice to hear from people who have left for awhile.

okay, i am not going to bore you anymore. sleep well, andddd g'night !


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