Friday, June 25, 2010

an idea

i have a feeling this post is going to be insignificant and meaningless. it is 12:30 AM and i have had an eventful day. eventful, but pretty good and well-rounded. i don't know if i've informed you, dear reader, but i have been "babysitting" my 11 year old brother, john, all week.

today john and i went swimming, ran TWO MILES together, and even threw in a little walmart run in between. john and i get along pretty well for siblings. now, i mean, we have our daily bickering, but nothing too intense. i kind of downplay how much fun i have with him ! he's a funny kid, you should meet him soon.

okay: subject change. (my brain is one big mess of thoughts all tangled together.)
i have been my own distraction lately. i have been checking Facebook and Twitter more than ever. i have been keeping my fingers busy by cleaning dishes, sketching doodles, and changing channels on the television. when i reflect on these past 24 hours, i can't really seem to think of a time i just was doing nothing. do you ever just sit? doing this said activity is dangerous. so dangerous in fact, we rarely do it. let me explain more clearly: rarely do you ever explore the silence of your mind and heart? do you ever take enough time to just breathe in and out, in and out, and examine what your innermost is constantly whispering? do you ever slow your breath enough to hear your our heartbeat? do you ever just stop/pause/slam on the breaks? we Americans are so busy. each minute must be filled. our Day Timer's must have every hour slot booked. why? is my question.

i propose a revolt against this. let's heal and mend our worn-out-selves. let's marinate ourselves in beautiful rest. if only for a minute, let's let our guard down and be vulnerable before the Almighty God. He has a lot to say if only we would listen. i think we will begin to see more clearly and we will definitely feel more refreshed. shall we?

so for the rest of this night, i think i am going to shut down this computer; put away my phone. and catch up on some much-needed thinking time. apologies for this rant of sorts. just my 2 cents for the day, i suppose.

well, if you'll excuse me, i have a meeting with Soul and Mind.

goodnight little ones.

- C

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