Friday, June 18, 2010

confessions of an uncoordinated soul

so, i've been a slacker the past two days. my dearest apologies. i was meaning to post this on wednesday but never got around to it. and i'm also going to post my thoughts about yesterday, in just a minute. so bare with me i'm a little scatter-brained here at the moment.

wednesday June 16th at 4:15 pm. i, courtney hampton, eternally embarrassed myself and quite possibly made for a good laugh for everyone else involved. on this particular day, i had decided to go to a class at the Athletic Club called Zumba. my teacher who goes to the class said that it is just an aerobics class to really upbeat music. i decided, "hey! why not! i'll give it a shot." i also decided to bring my mother along with me.

now, pause. some things you should know about me:
1. i am sufficiently awkward in all situations
2. i have no coordination or rhythm whatsoever
3. i tend to embarrass myself quite frequently
4. i really, really, really want to learn how to dance

moving on, i arrive at the class to find out that some friends from school were there. ughhhhh, i thought. i am going make a foooool out of myself. indeed, my conjecture was correct. . .
have you ever been to an aerobics class? if you have, Zumba was that times two, with some Latino, shake-what-your-momma-gave-you moves thrown in there. i was in total shock . i do not dance. i do not shake my hips or shimmy. as we started the first Lady Gaga song, i could not follow along to Ms. Bonnie, the instructor, for the life of me. i am sure i looked like a ruhtard trying to keep up with the turns and hip swings. i finally started cracking up and my mom did too. we did NOT know what we had gotten ourselves into. anyways, long story short: i had fun. i burned some calories. i looked like an idiot.
next time, i think i should just wear an 80's workout outfit; that'd just be the icing on the cake.


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